Service times are Sunday mornings at 8:30 and 10:00 am. And we have a service in Spanish at 1:00 pm.
At our 10:00 am service we offer care for infants as well as ministry to children from ages pre-k through the sixth grade.
We would love to say hello and get to know you a little bit when you visit. We have a special room with friendly people waiting for you. When you stop by that room we want to give you a gift just to express our appreciation for your visit. Look for the room in the back of our worship center with the welcome sign and the friendly people ready to welcome you!
If you fill out the form below and let us know when you will be visiting we can be ready to meet you and greet you when you arrive.
Join us online at GAP online for any of our services. We stream our Sunday morning services 8:30 and 10:00 am as well as our mid-week service, Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Does the church belong to a denomination?
A: No, we are an non-denominational church.
Q: How would you categorize the church’s style of worship?
A: Modern Worship - see further down this page for examples of our worship.
Q: I have a question for one of the pastors, can I email him/her?
A: If you have a question, email and your question will be passed on to the appropriate pastor.
Q: How is The Church of Grace and Peace ministering to the local community?
A: There are many services available to the local community. We have a Food Pantry, Seaside Outreach, a Clothing Room and many others.
See this page for more info: ABOUT US
Q: Are the pastors’ messages available?
A: The Sunday morning and Wednesday evening messages are available here: MEDIA
Q: Why do we raise our hands during worship?
A: We raise our hands as an outward expression of the majesty of God. It is one of many biblical expressions of worship we encourage. Others including, shouting, clapping, dancing, bowing, kneeling, with reverence, with exuberance - all in sensitivity to what the Lord is doing in our service in a given moment.
Q: Why do we sometimes speak in unusual languages?
A: The Holy Spirit is evidenced by the fruit of the Spirit and the subsequent manifestation of spiritual power in public testimony and service. A manifestation of glossolalia, speaking in other tongues as a prayer language, may also be evident. For more info see this page: LIFE IN THE HOLY SPIRIT
Q: What does it mean to be a member?
A: Being a member of The Church of Grace and Peace means you are in agreement with our doctrine and beliefs; that you will pray for the church and the Pastors, Elders and Ministers of the church; and likewise, they will pray for you. It means you are family and have the rights and privileges of a family member. To become a member you must attend membership class. Once all requirements have been fulfilled, Elder approval is needed.
Q: How do I become part of a ministry?
A: Check out this page: SERVE
Q: I want to use the church facility, how do I arrange that?
A: You can find details about our facility rental on this page: FACILITIES RENTAL
Q: Who do I speak to if I have a financial question?
A: Call the administrative office at 732.349.1550.
Q: How do I get into a Growth Group?
A: Growth groups can be signed up for 3 times a year. See current groups at this page: GROWTH GROUPS For more information, contact Pastor Tom Kluender at 732.349.1550 x327.
Q: Who do I speak to regarding a prayer request?
A: Submit a request on our prayer page at this link: PRAYER
Q: If I am or a family member is hospitalized, how do I get visitation?
A: Call the administrative office, 732.349.1550.
Air Purification
Two REME HALO in-duct air purifiers have been installed in the Sanctuary. These air purifiers kill up to 99% of bacteria, mold, and viruses.