Ministering the love of God through practical means to the less fortunate in Seaside.
Brothers Bryant Miller and Bob Tweed 732.349.1550 x318 info@graceandpeace.org
The Seaside Outreach Ministry serves food, clothing, resources, prayer, and worship to those in need within the Seaside Heights area. The ministry provides this service on the 3rd Saturday of every month, 12 months a year, at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Seaside. Although some recipients drive, most do not and instead, live within walking distance of the church. We deliver items to those who are unable to attend in person.
We are looking to add other services to this ministry, including haircuts and nail painting. If you are interested, please contact Bob Tweed at 732.349.1550 x318
HELP BLESS THOSE IN NEED We're looking to help meet the natural and spiritual needs of the less fortunate in Seaside. Donations of winter blankets and fleece throws (place in plastic bags marked Seaside & drop in the blue clothing bins), 2-3 lb. canned hams (drop in aluminum box outside the Food Pantry), and Christian music CDs and Veggie Tales on VHS or DVD (place in sealed bag marked Seaside & drop in clothing bins) would be greatly appreciated. Psalm 41:1-3 assures us that Blessed is he who considers the poor.
Will you be a monthly practical partner? It's easy – just donate low sugar/sugar-free or low salt/salt-free non-perishable items to the Seaside Food Distribution for those on restricted diets who need special foods that the Food Bank doesn't provide.